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Madeira-Puppiesmadeirapuppies 2

So heißt die facebook Facebook-Seite, die Zhaney und Steve geschaltet haben. Nun sind die Kleinen in unserer Obhut.

Hier die Erläuterungen, die Zhaney und Steve uns zu den Kleinen gesendet haben. Wir haben den text mit Absiucht im original belassen. Für alle, die der englischen Spraceh mächtig sind:

BON (m)

Bon is a lively boy and full of inquisitive energy. He is confident and intelligent. Often while playing Bon will be the one who stops to think about things and try and work out what to do next before bouncing back into action. He is fairly dominant over his siblings but not aggressive. He has a very cute black paw shaped mark in his fur. When Bon is on his own he becomes quieter and loves to have fusses and enjoys human contact very much. Bon would be a perfect pet for a family with children so that he gets plenty of socialisation and play time. This is a dog that has a lot to give and with proper training will become a brilliant addition to any responsible household. Bon is fit and healthy and has had all his injections and inoculations.


Nikko is the smallest of the litter but is by far the cheekiest and liveliest of all the puppies. He loves playing with toys and will happily run about with a cardboard toilet paper inner for ages. Nikko doesn’t say much but he does lots. He has the cutest face and inquisitive eyes that are always looking for something to do. Nikko is definitely not going to be a lap dog. Owners who love playing with their dogs, walking them and socialising with them would be perfect for him and they would get one of the best companions they could wish for. A real star in the making. Nikko is fit and healthy and has had all his injections and inoculations.

OZZY (m)

Named after the original rock and roll rebel…Ozzy Osbourne this dog doesn’t really live up to his name! He is the quietest one of all and can often be seen trotting about minding his own business while the other puppies are racing about getting into mischief. Ozzy is not a loner but is very much an individual. He is going to grow up to be a great dog that will be happy in the countryside or in the city or playing or sitting quiet and having a fuss. As long as he has the right owners and the correct training he is the sort of dog that will never be much trouble. A great choice of dog for a family, couple or active individual. Ozzy is fit and healthy and has had all his injections and inoculations.

P.J. (w)

Named after the brilliant singer P.J.Harvey, P.J is a born leader. Where P.J goes the others often follow. She is nearly always the first to spot if something is happening and charges off to investigate what it is. She is more vocal than the rest of her siblings but even at this early age understands when told to be quiet and grudgingly stops shouting. Her favourite game at the moment is tug. She loves pulling on an old (clean) rag and when she ‘wins’ she runs around triumphantly with it with the other pups trying to win it back. Again, with the right owners she will, without doubt, become an amazing dog and a lifelong companion. P.J. is fit and healthy and has had all her injections and inoculations.


The biggest puppy from the litter, Portos is a very lovable boy and usually the first to come up for a stroke and a fuss. Of course, being a puppy he has his playful side too and can run around with the best of them but he is most definitely the most affectionate one. Portos will often come and lay down at your feet for a quick sleep after running around and is very happy when getting attention. He would suit owners who enjoy a big loving ‘teddy bear’ sort of dog. Portos is fit and healthy and has had all his injections and inoculations.


PJ kommt am 3. November 2015 zu ihrer Pflegemama Marlis nach Duisburg

Bon und Ozzy kommen am 12. November 2015 via Frankfurt zu ihren Pflegefamilien ins Saarland

Portos und Niko kommen am 12. November via Stuttgart zu ihren Pflegefamilien ins Saarland
Portos wird von unseren Freunden von TKKG vermittelt.

 19. Novmeber 2015: Portos hat seine Familie gefunden


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